Tuesday, July 27, 2021

August Irving Beach Kearns July 27, 2021 8 lbs 14 oz

 Well Sarah and Neil did a great job getting Gus into this world. Fast (5 hours), chubby and he looks like he would have spent another month cuddled inside if there had been more room!  After two years of bad news this is a brilliant ray of sunshine on the Kearns Family.  Welcome to the world August Kearns.

We just had a visit from Karolina Kearns this past weekend, beautiful smart and ready for her last year in high school. Hard to believe college is next. We had mani-pedis, baseball at Nats Park, excellent tapas at Del Mar on the Wharf, looked at the riches of Marjorie Merriweather Post at her Hillwood Estate, and shopped. Perfect Granny K Kster time!

And more on the good news front. The Nats finally returned Maxie's baseball that Juan Soto tossed him almost 2 years ago! Signed !  I was afraid they'd trade Soto before we got out ball back. 

What's next on the agenda? A little more golf then heading out to Louisville for two weeks with little Gus for some grandma time.

I'm hoping to add pictures to this blog eventually but they seem to be taking forever. Little Gus has chubby cheeks and chubby fingers. Gonna big a big boy!

Okay, got the pictures loaded in:

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Tucker Carlson Needs a Hug

 So sad to see how bad parenting can impact the lives of so many. Poor Tucker Carlson's mommy just didn't love him enough to stick around. Daddy sent him to boarding school, he's had to kick the drinking and smoking habit years ago but still chews nicotine gum constantly. Truly an obsessive compulsive kind of guy. And now he's claiming the NSC is reading his emails. I guess someone has to... 

Irrelevant aside: He and his brother sued his late mother's estate for a bigger piece of the pie (what family hasn't gone through that one...)

His ranting has become worse since the loss of the past president. Every parent knows the louder your kid screams, the worse his behavior -- that he's just demanding attention. Do you put him in a corner for a time-out, send him to his room without supper, or smack him across his backside? How about, "no more TV for you young man" until you calm down. And by no more TV, of course, I mean no more air time on that  not-the-real- news/entertainment/rant-fest network that shall not be named. Sigh, alas and alack, someone could use a conservatorship right now...