Monday, February 20, 2012

Visitors from Conncticut

Had a short but sweet visit from lil bro Mark, Jackie and Katie while they took Katie to American U for her audition. Great time was had by all. Laszlo was his usual coy self around young ladies. Played outside, had bagels, strawberries, blueberry pancakes and corn muffins (all at once in his mouth...). Jojo came over later to say hi before she headed for the Peter Frampton concert. Neil surprised laz by actually being awake! He set up his keyboard for laz to play with.

Obviously, every artist has to display his work at a juryed show. Jackie, Katie and Mark were the judges.

Katie gave Laszlo a hand at painting. Later that day Katie went to American University for her audition and knocked em dead. We didn't tell her to break a leg, however, since two of her cast members at home in Wolcott became true "cast" members, breaking various limbs. So we just told her to break wind.