Monday, February 28, 2011

black vultures

I consulted my National Audubon field guide to north american birds and am fairly certain that what i saw were two black vultures. They have a greyish head as opposed to red heads of turkey vultures. They're more aggressive than turkey vultures, like to fly high when the winds are up, which they were this weekend. Hope they took off for other parts - wouldn't want to see our rabbits, etc picked up. I know I wasn't too happy about them flying around when my lil grandson was out!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lazcleans up

This is my Laz sweeping the driveway, basically putting the pile of leaves back into the garden from whence they came! And eating his lunch.

Is it Spring yet?

It's the last weekend of February and today, Sunday, it was warm enough for Laszlo to work out in the garden. He spent the night and was up bright and early at 6 to help Nana start to clean up the winter damage. Hopefully he'll be back to dig. After two hours out in the garden, he took a much deserved lunch break, and then it was back to work.

We had to stop when planes flew over and Laz tried out his second job - that of plane spotter. Then we saw two huge bird in one of the trees. If anyone recognizes what they are let me know. They looked like turkey vultures.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Seventy Degrees in Feb brings out the best in us

Took a half day to babysit a recovering Laszlo yesterday but judging by the pictures of Laz and dad biking, I'd say he's learning to "call in sick" pretty early in life! Tonight Johanna, aka JoJo to Laz, and I will dine and plot out our trip to Savannah next month! Can't wait.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Laszlo's Second Birthday and SuperBowl

Johanna, Neil, Bob-Bob and I headed over to celebrate Laszlo's second birthday (which isn't until the 8th) and watch the SuperBowl. Bob-Bob got Laz a truck that makes great noises and we got him an ice cream cake -- he appreciated both with gusto. He shared his cake with neighbor Henry, who he calls Henri in the french manner but had a harder time sharing his chair and his truck. Dad brought the big screen tv up to the living room so all could enjoy the game and Laszlo couldn't take his eyes off it so of course it's now off limits! Bath and two "nighty night" rounds of kisses, a little hide and seek under the blankets and Mom's scarf. Then he was down for the count so we could all enjoy the Packers' win except JoJo who is a die-hard Pittsburgh fan. It's hard to believe he's two already. Next up is babysitting on Thursday and ignoring all his Dad's "don't do this and don't do that" instructions. I told him we'd give Laz the usual cigars and brandy and keep him up late. That's what grandparents do, right?