Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers Day Weekend 2011

Monday night stopped by to see Laszlo who was very into whatever mum was cooking for dinner.

Left, mother's day brunch at Nelly Greens.

Nelly Greens was a hole in the wall on the water during prohibition and Hocka said he used to go down in his dad's pierce arrow with the false bottom to pick up bootleg liquor. Local police were always there to get their cut.

Busy weekend! Friday went to see Katie in Little Shop of Horrors at Wolcott HS with Mommy Sue and Beeg - ate at The River, a great find! Saturday we hit the OTB for the Derby, went home, made mint juleps and wore silly hats. Johanna won on Animal Kingdom - Sunday we hit nelly green's. Mike squeezed us in. Liked the title of the boat in the boatyard - family motto, me thinks. Good time was had by all. Of course, italian pastries from Petanito's. Next time need to go to Lucibello's.

Mommy Sue and Katie in post performance tete-a-tete.

Family Motto

I definitely don't miss the sanding and epoxying to get the boat ready for the water.

Mike, Katie, Mommy Sue, Beeg, Mark and Jacki after the show.

Katie and the trio taking their bows.

Mommy Sue and Johanna outside Nelly Green's

Crazy hat ladies with mint juleps.